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Candy’s Landing

A significant port on the Warrior River, Candy’s Landing was established by Jason Candy.  Candy was the first merchant in the area, and was instrumental in founding the village of old Troy in 1817, on the eastern edge of what became Greensboro.  The landing served as a shipping and receiving point for goods to and from Mobile by steamboat.  Steamboats plied the river as far as Tuscaloosa beginning as early as 1821, and remained the primary mode of transportation for the next half century.
[2015: Southwest of Greensboro on the Warrior River]


Dr. Benjamin M. Dugger, 1872-1956 
Discoverer of antibiotic, Aureomycin


Son of a beloved country doctor, he carried a dedicated spirit to the frontiers of science. Having won degrees at Alabama, Auburn, Missouri, Harvard, and Cornell, he taught at Cornell, Missouri, Wisconsin, completing his researches and discoveries at Lederle Laboratories. His discoveries opened a new era in medicine helping physicians save the lives of millions. Site of birthplace and boyhood home-300 yards.
[Before 1965: (replaced 1997): U.S. Hwy 80]


Forrest's Railroad


Building of Selma, Marion & Memphis Railroad was completed to this point in 1870 during the presidency (1869-1874) of the distinguished Confederate cavalry leader, General Nathan Bedford Forrest. His fellow officer, Gen. E. W. Rucker, served as superintendent of construction. An extension to Akron was finished in 1882. This railroad is now part of the Southern Railway System. 
[Before 1965: Greensboro]



In 1867 a group of African American men and women laid the foundations for Freetown. William, John, Albert, George, Richard, and Peter Collins; Susan and Lawrence Moore; Thomas Jeffries; the children of John Jeffries; and Louisa Conway and her children received over six hundred acres of land in the will of John Collins, a local planter who had migrated from Virginia to Alabama in 1837. The early residents included former slaves and free people of color. Many of the men were skilled masons and carpenters, including Peter Lee and John Glascow who directed the construction of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Gallion. Freetown residents helped organize Bethlehem Baptist Church in 1867.






Freetown became a vibrant community and residents achieved local prominence. The settlement reached its peak in the 1920s as part of Allenville. Brown's general store established around 1910 became the major commercial center and social hub. Women from the community were among the first teachers in the area's African American schools. Some Freetown children received primary and secondary education as boarding students at Selma University. The community's population declined after World War II as African Americans migrated to northern and southern cities. Residents and their descendants over time became skilled workers, professionals, and active members of communities elsewhere, while maintaining strong ties to Freetown. 
[2005: Hwy 80 east of Allenville]


Gayle-Tunstall House


Built in 1828-29 by John Gayle, sixth governor of Alabama. Birthplace of Amelia Gayle Gorgas, wife of Gen. Josiah Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance, CSA, mother of Wm. Crawford Gorgas, US Surgeon General who freed Canal Zone of yellow fever. For many years was the home of Hobson-Tunstall famliy; Wiley C. Tunstall, Alabama legislator for 39 years and twice Speaker of House. 
[Before 1965: Greensboro]


Greene Springs School


1847-1884-2 miles-One of State's academies. Called "Rugby" of the South. It prepared exceptional number of Alabama leaders. Founded by Dr. Henry Tutwiler, one of State's foremost educators. Closed upon his death. One of the first schools to add study of science and government to the usual classics. 
[Before 1965: Ala. Hwy 60]


Greensboro Presbyterian Church


Organized 1823 by Rev. James Hillhouse of South Carolina with Patrick Norris and William Hilhouse, veterans of American Revolution, as founding elders. Original wooden structure replaced by brick building in 1841 under pastorate of Rev. Thomas Sydenham Witherspoon. Present building erected in 1859 when Rev. J. C. Mitchell was pastor. Old slave gallery may still be seen. 
[Before 1965: Greensboro]


Hobson Bethel Methodist Church


Newbern Methodists held services in Presbyterian Church until 1884. Present site selected and church building completed in the fall of 1884. Cornerstone placed in northeast foundation. 
Fine, walnut altar rail is original and hand-hewn. Pulpit and chairs donated when church erected. Lumber used in construction of building hand-hewn and mortised. Pews and lighting system have been replaced. 
Services held on first Sunday monthly. Rev. J. Bancoft, presiding elder, and Rev. J.A. Moore, minister, called meeting of members in 1883 including the names: Hobson, Holcroft, Walker, Scott, Huggins, Moor, True, Sadler, Turpin. 

Building committee consisted of Mr. Will Sadler, Mr. E.B. Holcroft, and Mr. J.A. Moore. Mrs. Sallie L. Hobson granted privilege of naming church as she raised and donated largest amount of funds for construction. 
[1997: Newbern]


Magnolia Grove


Birthplace, ancestral home of Richmond Pearson Hobson-1870-1937-Spanish-American War Hero. Admiral Hobson, as a naval officer, statesman, lecturer, and author, urged national preparedness; championed human welfare causes. Alabama made this home a state shrine to Admiral Hobson in 1943. House built in 1858 by Col. Isaac Croom. 
[Before 1965: Greensboro]




Site of Prehistoric Indian Village built by Indians of unknown tribe as a ceremonial center about 1200 to 1400 AD. Here are preserved ruins of their village, temple mounds, burials of their dead. Mound State Monument. 
[Before 1965]


Newbern Baptist Church


Church organized in 1848 by Rev. Thomas Chilton. Sanctuary stands as built in 1849 with original columns of solid poplar. Education building added in 1959. Baptist Historical Society has records of church's first 111 years on deposit in library of Howard College at Birmingham. 

Newbern Baptist Church-Organized in April, 1848 by the Rev. Thomas Chilton, moderator; John R. Hendon, clerk; John G. Huckabee, Wm. F. Hendon, John Dial, Gray Huckabee, Thomas H. Croom, R. S. Tinker, C. C. Huckabee, L. A. Seawell, Mary A. Paul, Martha Huckabee, G. A. Huckabee, Maria Hendon, Hannah Hendon, Maria P. Hendon, Susan Hendon, Martha Donna Hendon, Elizabeth Driver, Martha Croon, and Mary Ann Tinker. Town bell, 500 feet south of this marker, has called all Newbern congregations to worship services since 1868 and also served as town fire bell.




Newbern Presbyterian Church


Organized 1844 by North Carolinians who settled area in 1830's. Built in 1848, church typifies rural church architecture of "Old South." Building stands in near-original form: hand-hewn lumber joined with wooden pegs. Early membership included slaves who sat on benches flanking pulpit. Church always without resident minister but has monthly service, active church life. 

Newbern Presbyterian Church-Organized November 16, 1844 under Presbytery of South Alabama by the Rev. Thomas Witherspoon and 21 charter members. Petition to Presbytery signed by T. A. Borden, Anne Borden, Wm. Ervin, Eliza Ervin, Mrs. Rebeccah Hanna, A. &. S. Hardin, Mrs. Martha Jenkins. Names of Croom, Tinker, Mendow, Pearce, and Huckabee also among charter members. Two women served on early Board of Elders contrary to Presbyterian rules of order. 
[Before 1965: Newbern]


Old Erie


First county seat 1819-1839 of Greene County. This area of Hale since 1867. Town incorporated December 18, 1820, and had about 1,500 inhabitants a few years later. Floods and Yellow Fever forced removal of county seat to Eutaw. Town gradually deserted, and last remaining home (Dorroh) burned in 1933. The Greene County Gazette published here as early as 1823 by Thomas Eastin. Rev. James Monette, who preached first sermon in Greene County in 1818 at Troy (then Greensboro) moved to Erie in 1818. He died in 1834, and tombstone is here today. 


First county seat of Greene County, which then included what is now Hale. Incorporated in 1820, with Town Council composed of James A. Tolbert, Thomas H. Herndon, Francis L. Gaines, Durrett White, Anthony D. Kinnard, Howell L. Kennon and Hiram Shortridge. Among early families: Dorroh, Constantine, McAlpine, Lavergy, Moore, Brown, Edgerly, Bird, Melton, Monette, Hampton, Steele, Craig, Snedecor, Grant, Jennings, Kimbrough, Inge, Kennon, Murphy, Moody, Whitehead, Hobson, Williams, May, McGee, Phares.


Saint Paul's Episcopal Church


This parish established 1830. Third oldest in Alabama diocese. Church consecrated in 1843 by Leonidas Polk, Bishop of Louisiana, (later a Confederate general). Here Nicholas H. Cobbs was chosen first Bishop of Alabama in 1844. First vestrymen: Dr. Richard E. Meade, Dr. R. C. Randolph, Dr. R. W. Withers, J. Bell, J. B. Strickney, Dr. R. Inge, Frank Inge, William Murphy, Col. Samuel Pickens.
[Before 1965: Greensboro]


Southern University


Founded here in 1856 by the Methodist Church. Weathered War and Reconstruction to prosper in late 1800's. Moved to Birmingham in 1918 on merger with Birmingham College, founded 1898 by Methodists, to become Birmingham-Southern College.

[Before 1965: Ala. Hwy 14, Greensboro]


The Alabama Baptist State Convention


October 28-29, 1823. Was founded here at Salem Church by 15 messengers from seven missionary societies. They met to promote missions, education and closer cooperation among Baptist churches in Alabama. 
[Before 1965: Ala. Hwy 14, Greensboro]

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