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Academy Street High School

On May 9, 1921, S.B. Innis, C.L. Jenkins, James Henderson, Pres Thomas, and C.B. Brooks, the “colored school committee,” entered into a school mortgage for the construction of a building for “colored school purposes” on East Academy Street.  The debt of $3,028.89 was “satisfied in full” on July 18, 1922, whereupon the City of Troy assumed ownership.
Beginning with two grades, one teacher, and a term of seventy-two days in a two-room dwelling, by 1927, the school had become a junior high school with six teachers and six classrooms.  Administrators of this period included Mr. John Wiley, Mr. Floyd, Mr. C.L. Jenkins, Mrs. F.M. Innis, and Mr. S.T. Wilson, the first principal.
Mr. A.J. Fields became principal in 1926.  His twenty-two years of leadership saw the addition of an auditorium, new programs of Diversified Occupation and Home Economics, and elevation of the school to senior high-school status.

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Academy Street High School

The City Board of Education changed the school’s name from “Troy Junior High School on Academy Street” to Academy Street High school in 1941, the year of the school’s first graduating senior class.  The building was destroyed by fire in 1946, and a new brick building was erected in 1948.
Mr. C.G. Griffin was principal from 1948 to 1966.  During his administration, the school was accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, courses of study were expanded to include vocational agriculture and typing, and an emphasis was placed on band and choir performances.  The physical plant saw the addition of an agriculture building and a modern gymnasium.
The school was last under the administration of Mr. John E. Nolen, from 1966 to 1971, during which time two of the school’s three yearbooks were published.  The last graduating class was in 1970 with the transition from Academy Street to Charles Henderson High School in January 1971.
[2014: Academy Street, Troy]



Birthplace of Congressman John Lewis


Born February 21, 1940, John Lewis was raised on this rural Pike County land by his parents, sharecroppers Eddie and Willie Mae Lewis. In December 1957, while a student at American Baptist College in Nashville, Lewis applied for admission to the all-white Troy State College (now Troy University) but was denied because of segregation. Thereafter, he wrote to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who arranged to meet with him in Montgomery. King encouraged Lewis to become more active in the civil rights movement.

     Returning to Nashville, Lewis graduated from American Baptist and entered Fisk University. As a college student, he organized a series of sit-ins at segregated lunch counters, during which he coined his motto on an activist’s obligation to pursue “good trouble, necessary trouble.” In 1961, Lewis participated in the Freedom Rides challenging segregation at southern bus terminals. Although he endured numerous physical assaults throughout the 1960s, Lewis maintained his belief in the philosophy of nonviolence. 

     In 1963, Lewis helped found the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the student arm of King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference. As president of SNCC, Lewis assisted in the planning of the August 28, 1963, March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and was the youngest speaker at the historic event. 

    On March 7, 1965, Lewis and Hosea Williams led more than 500 activists as they set out from Selma for a march to Montgomery determined to raise awareness of persistent inequality at the ballot box. The marchers were met at the foot of Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge by sheriff’s deputies and Alabama State Troopers assembled at the order of Gov. George C. Wallace. The armed officers assaulted the peaceful crowd with nightsticks, bullwhips, and tear gas. Dozens of participants were badly injured, including Lewis who suffered a skull fracture. Photographs and footage of the violent attack, which came to be known as “Bloody Sunday,” prompted federal protection for the marchers along their path to Alabama’s Capitol and led to congressional passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 

     Lewis continued his civil rights work after the Selma march. In 1981, he won a seat on the Atlanta City Council. In 1986, he was elected to represent Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District, a position he held until his death on July 17, 2020. During his tenure in Washington, Congressman Lewis advocated for the causes of equality, nonviolence, and justice, and supported African American history initiatives. In recognition of his lifelong commitment to civil and human rights, fellow lawmakers remembered him as the “conscience of the Congress.” [4814 County Road 7755, Troy]


Elam Primitive Baptist Church


Constituted March 7, 1830 (about two miles NE of this site) with eight charter members including Elijah Wyatt the first pastor. In 1850's church moved to this location on land given by Deacon James Folmar. Present building erected 1906. 

This marker dedicated on the 150th anniversary of church (March 9, 1980) to memory of nearly 100 families who have played prominent roles in this church and community.

[1980: Pike County Road 2215 at Pike County Road 2201, north of Goshen
31.74884N  86.12384W]


First Missionary Baptist Church


Organized July 11, 1872, as a Regularly Constituted Independent Missionary Baptist Church, the church was the first African American Baptist church in the Troy area.  The Reverend Wright of Perote was called as the first pastor; he was known as “John the Baptist” for his fiery preaching.  The first regular church service was held in a brush arbor; the first baptismal service was held in 1873.  The men of the church bought three acres of land on Lake Street where the first building, the Baptist Bottom Church, was built.  A school, the Lake Street Baptist Academy, followed on the same property.  As the congregation outgrew the original building, a new site was purchased and, in July 1906, a new structure was completed.  In 1958, that church building was destroyed by fire.  The following year, under the leadership of Rev. Collier, the edifice was reconstructed, an event celebrated on the second Sunday in October by the Pastor and members who marched from the Masonic Hall, where services had been held, to the rebuilt church. 
[2012: 319 Alphonsa Byrd Drive, Troy]


First United Methodist Church


The Methodist Episcopal Church of Troy was organized in 1843. The first building was constructed in 1858, on land donated by Ann Dowdell Love, affectionately known as "Granny Love." The second structure was erected in 1888. 

The present edifice, completed in 1904, was designed by Frank Lockwood in neo-Romanesque style; the sanctuary is neo-Classical with a saucer-dome ceiling, pendentive arches, and Scamozzi Ionic columns. 
Building was placed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage by the Alabama Historical Commission on June 30, 1995.
[2002: North 3 Notch Street at East Walnut, Troy, 31.80869N  85.97206W]


Goshen High School, Established 1907


The roots of Goshen public education began north of here at a settlement called Goshen Hill, where local farmers built the Mount Zion School. One teacher provided instruction for children of all ages in the simple schoolhouse. Classes were held from late fall to early spring in accordance with the planting and harvest seasons. In 1887, a railroad connecting Troy and Andalusia was completed south of Goshen Hill. Commercial advantages and convenience prompted many residents and businesses to relocate closer to the railroad. Residents moved the Mount Zion schoolhouse to the new community, which they named Goshen.


Renovations to the original schoolhouse could not keep pace with Goshen’s rising population, resulting in overcrowding. Residents raised money to build a new school and accomplished much of the construction work themselves. Completed in 1924, the school supported instruction for all twelve grades. Enhancements to the campus through the 1960s included the addition of a cafeteria, indoor plumbing, a library, band room, and other outbuildings. After desegregation, the school served as the district’s junior and high school. In the 1980s, the school added a vocational agricultural business program. By 1992, subsequent growth required the removal of the 1924 building. Newer facilities were constructed in its place.
[Eagle Circle, Goshen]   


Hobdy's Bridge


Last Indian Battle in Alabama. General Wm. Wellborn and his men attacked and routed 900 Indians camping here during Creek War of 1836. Indians, reluctant to move west, angered by whites seizing land, had plundered as they moved toward new homes in Florida. 
[Before 1965, missing in 2007; replaced with following]


Hobdy's Bridge: Last Indian Battles in Alabama


The Second Creek War of 1836 broke out when many Creek Indians resisted forced removal after an 1832 treaty ceded the last of their tribal lands in Alabama. As hostility increased between white settlers pouring into the area and Creeks who were reluctant to move to the West, the Pea River became a favored route for those Indians traveling south to seek sanctuary in a new homeland in Florida. State militia forces attacked and routed Creek Indians camped near here at Hobdy's Bridge in February, and again in March of 1836.
Sponsored by the Lower Creek Muscogee Tribe East, Star Clan, Inc.
[2008: North 3 Notch Street at East Walnut , Troy 31.80869N  85.97206W]




Became county seat of Pike County in 1827. County seat moved to Troy, a more central location, in 1838. Pike County was created in 1821 from lands ceded by Creek Indians in Treaty of Ft. Jackson, 1814. 
[Before 1965: missing 2010, US Hwy 29 at the intersection of Ala. Hwy 130 near the site of the former courthouse.]


Mt. Pleasant Cemetery


Founded prior to 1850, at the same time as the original church near Fryer’s Bridge, which became the village of Linwood in the late 1850s.  Original cemetery included the graves of both black and white parishioners of the early church.  In the 1870s, black communicants established their own congregation and cemetery while the remaining white congregation continued to use the original cemetery.  Earliest marked grave site is dated 1858.  Among the headstones are those identifying Confederate soldiers. 
[2010: County Road 9]


Orion Institute


Founded 1848 by legislative act and donations of citizens. Excellent instruction made it only school of kind for youth in area. Later used as public school until 1929 school consolidation. Orion settled about 1815, by 1830 saw arrival of wealthy planters. Here on Chunnenuggee Ridge they built homes and cultivated valley plantations.
[Before 1965: Pike County Rd., approx. mi. east of US 231 near Pike/Montgomery county line.]


Philadelphia Presbyterian Church


First Presbyterian Church in Pike County. Organized largely by members of Beaver Creek Presbyterian Church near Camden, South Carolina. They petitioned Presbytery of South Alabama Oct. 18, 1839 and were officially established as a church April 3, 1840. Church was dissolved in April 1917. 

Officers during life of church: 1840-1917-ELDERS-R. R., S. R. , J. W., J. A. McLure; J. M. Thompson; E. Ruffin; S. Smyth; B. H. Boyd; J. A. Ramsay; G. C. Barnette; J. D. and Dr. J. A. McEachern. DEACONS-John and Dr. J. A. McEachern, John W., Thomas C. Henry M., Richard U. McLure; W. F. Ferrell; W. A. E. Helms. MINISTERS-D. S. McCormick; A. M. Mooney; M. A. Patterson; A. McMillan; J. M. Peu; G. W. Butler; F. M. McMurry; J. McKee; R. H. Hall; G. R. Foster; R. Kirkpatrick; W. H. White and J. C. Sturgeon. 
[Before 1965, Hwy 93, 1.1 miles north of Ala. Hwy 10 in Brundidge. 31.73715N  85.81905W]


Rodgers School


Built ca. 1860 on land donated by transplanted Georgians Hugh Ross and Tabitha Miller Rodgers, this school educated Pike County youth until consolidation closed its doors in 1935. Between 1923 and 1935, it was under the direction of H.M. Curry who labored with short terms, limited facilities, and scarce funds. Despite issuing neither report cards nor diplomas, Curry and fellow instructor Sue Edwards Carter were responsible for successfully preparing more than twenty of its graduates for college entry during the school's "golden age." The Rodgers School continues to serve as a community center and inspiration to future generations.
[1995: Pike Co. Road 2203 at Pike Co. Road 2204, north of Goshen 31.78811N   86.11172W]


Salem Baptist Church


Pike County's oldest church. Organized by Dr. C. T. Mahoney. Since 1824 it has enriched the life of his section. Here were organized: Salem Baptist Association, 1839, Baptist General Assoc., 1868, Ladies Aid Society, 1891, Salem-Troy Baptist Assoc., 1904, Women's Missionary Society, 1905. First a log structure, the church had occupied four wooden buildings before the present brick structure, 1939. 
[Before 1965: South Main Street (Ala. Hwy 93), in Brundidge 31.71715N  85.81557W]


Three Notch Road


Built by U.S. Army, 1824, from Ft. Barrancas, at Pensacola to Ft. Bainbridge, S. E. of Tuskegee. Here it joined Federal Road leading to Ft. Mitchell in Russell County. Road followed Indian trade trail became main road for settlers and traders before railroads. Scouts notched trees to mark route that ran along this ridge.
[Before 1965: Old courthouse square in downtown Troy 31.80787N  85.97212W]


Troy University

Troy State Normal School was established by the Alabama General Assembly in 1887. Land and the first building for the original downtown campus and the land for the present site were provided by the City of Troy. The College was moved to the present site in 1930. The State Board of Education authorized the College to grant the bachelor's degree in 1929 and the master's degree in 1956. The College was placed under a separate Board of Trustees in 1967.

The Board of Trustees approved the name change to Troy University effective August 2005.

Troy University's evolution has been reflected in its several names:

Troy State Normal School 1887
Troy State Normal College 1893
Troy State Teachers College 1927
Troy State College 1957
Troy State University 1967
Troy University 2005
[2006: University Avenue in front of C.B. Smith Hall 31.79873N   85.95729W]


Troy & Pike County SCLC-Scope Project, 1965


In the weeks following the Selma to Montgomery March, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) planned a widespread southern voter registration campaign. Anticipating passage of the new Voting Rights Act, the Summer Community Organization and Political Education project (SCOPE) called upon collegians to travel to the South and assist in registering to vote more than a half-million eligible African Americans. Hundreds of students from nearly sixty schools participated in the project. Rev. Hosea Williams, beaten in Selma alongside Pike County native John Lewis on Bloody Sunday, was SCOPE’s director.

     On July 9, 1965, SCOPE workers arrived in Pike County and set up offices in Troy and Brundidge. Throughout the summer, these young activists, alongside local volunteers, canvassed African American communities and held mass meetings across the county. They transported hundreds of people here to the Pike County Courthouse to register, many of whom endured intimidation and threats of violence. Some lost their jobs. 

     Passage of the Voting Rights Act in August 1965 aided the project’s efforts. It outlawed many forms of suppression employed by states like Alabama, including literacy tests and the poll tax. During the summer of 1965, the Pike County SCOPE project registered nearly 1,000 new voters. 

     The following individuals participated in the 1965 Pike County SCOPE project:  

Leon Gutherz, project director                       Mike Kane                  Elizabeth Shamberger
Frechettia Ford, assistant project director      Ned Moore                  Pat Sweeney   
Diana Courtney                                               Mary Pjerrou               Daniel R. Thompson
Norma Daniels                                                John Reynolds            Daniel Harrell, supervisor

     Members of Pike County’s African American communities who assisted SCOPE workers included:u

Jenny Baker                              Roddy McKinney        Sonny Starks

Jim Baker                                  Nellie Mathews           Charles Stringer
George Burks                           John Nolan                   Charles Terry              
George Dix                               Liz Pennington            Eddie Warren
W. L. Felton                              John Reynolds            Elaine Warren
George Grubbs                        Frances Robinson       Johnnie Mae Warren

Roddy McKinney                    Brenda Smith              Jessie Williams                      
                                                  Roberta Starks       

     The following public officials aided the Pike County SCOPE project:

Pike County Probate Judge Ben Reeves         Pike County Chief Registrar Malcolm Gilcrist
U.S. District Judge Frank M. Johnson
[Pike County Courthouse, 120 West Church Street, Troy]

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